John Kean's
The Shooting Party

Shooting Pheasants

The annual pheasant shoot at Leverstoke Hall is always eagerly anticipated and forms the principal topic of speculation at September soirées across four counties. This year promises to be no exception, with a large party of the region's most prominent landowners shortly to descend upon those hallowed woods for a weekend of impeccable social graces and bloody slaughter.

You, an ambitious young adventurer, are among those favoured few by simple expedient of a forged letter of introduction. And while the gentry pass the weekend in depriving the local copses of their birdlife, you plan to pass the time seducing four of their most delectable young wives, and relieving them of their jewels. For you are such an attractive and nimble young person that success is assured, if only you can contrive some time alone with each of them. This won't be easy, under the watchful eyes of husbands and associated private secretaries.

But if it were easy then there would be no fun in it, would there?

The Shooting Party is a solitaire card game to pass the time between pheasant drives. It plays in approximately 10 minutes.

Edwardian-style Cards
Minimalist Cards